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We keep our cost exceptionally low but still provide first class support.  Please submit your support request here.

Pomonet Support Request

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Frequently Asked Questions

My phones are not working?

In most cases this is due to your internet outage. Please check to see if you have access to the internet on any of your devices that are connected on the same network. If you have an outage on other devices, contact your internet service provider. If you have access to the internet but your phones are not working, please submit a ticket.

How do I add or reduce an extension?

To make changes to your service please contact the sales department by submitting a ticket with a detail of your requested change.

How do I manage my hosting service?

We provide hosting service to our telephony customers at super competetive pricing. If your need changes let us know and we will change your service as per your request.

How do I change my credit card on file?

Your account security is very important to us. Please submit a request that you would like to change your credit card on file. We will simply remove your autopay and on the next billing cycle you will get to enter the credit card that you wish to save on file.

My package is no longer offered, what if I want to modify my service?

Our products and pricing changes from time to time. If you have a bundle that you like, you can keep it but if additional service is requested, the new service will be added at the new price structure